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is indexed in:

Russian Science Citation Index

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Научная электронная библиотека «Киберленинка»

The online version
is indexed in:

Russian Science Citation Index

Orphus system
Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal

About the Journal

The "Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie" (“Knowledge. Understanding. Skill”) journal (ISSN 1998-9873 print) publishes articles, materials of conferences, symposiums, round-tables, discussions on topical research themes, information on academic events, guidance materials, reviews, reports on investigations, translations of foreign authors’ proceedings and other research works. Both prominent scholars, who work at Moscow University for the Humanities or uphold contacts with it, and young beginners — doctoral candidates, postgraduates and students — have an opportunity to publish their articles.

The publication informs its readers on the condition and prospects of the humanities’ development, achievements and problems of higher education in Russia and in the world, successful experience of Russian state and non-governmental institutes of higher education, events of current importance, documents and prognoses in the sphere of organization and financing of science and education.

The uniqueness of the journal is determined by the fact that it is heading the list of the academic periodicals in the systematic elaboration of a number of urgent research topics. Among them there are the following: investigations into young people (theories of youth, the sociology and biosociology of youth, socialization and the cultural identification of youth, the sociological monitoring of students) and the changes in education in the age of globalization (education and an educated person in the 21st century); expert evaluation in the humanities and bioethics; Russian world and Russian studies (the demythologization of Russian and world history); the thesaurus analysis in humanities knowledge (development of the thesaurus approach as a methodology of human sciences).

The "Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie" (“Knowledge. Understanding. Skill”) journal is directed to a readership of researchers and lecturers of higher education institutions, postgraduates, organizers and investors of scientific studies, state and public figures who work in the sphere of science, education and culture. We send the publication to the main scientific and educational institutions of foreign countries, national libraries, research foundations and other bodies and institutions. The first issue was brought out in 2004. The periodical has been coming out on a quarterly basis (4 issues per year) since 2005. You can get to know the contents and read the abstracts and full texts here. The publication is an open access journal.

The Editorial Board of the Journal will consider any suggestions to translate your articles into Russian and publish them in the Journal and/or on the Portal.

The Main Rubrics of the Journal:

  • Integration of Science and Higher Education
  • Research and Philosophical Dialogues
  • Globalization and Human Knowledge
  • The Humanities: Theory and Methodology
  • From Theory to Practice
  • Monitoring (data of sociological studies)
  • The Image of a Scholar (Creative Portraits)
  • The Encyclopedia of the Humanities
  • Research Potential: Works of Young Scholars
  • Analytics and Research Projection
  • Open Rostrum
  • Academic Life

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Moscow University for the Humanities

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
Journal "Knowledge.
Understanding. Skill"
 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
© The Editorial Board of the Informational Portal for the Humanities
"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill"

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in Mass Media Sphere and Protection of the Cultural Inheritance.
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