Tkhagapsoev Kh. G. Identity in the Cognitive and Epistemic System of Culturology (the ending)
(Kabardino-Balkar State University)
Abstract ◊ The article deals with the issues of theoretical culturology formation, its categorical language and explanatory principles. In this context, the idea-principle “identity” is considered as one of the basic explanatory principles of informational-semiotic theory of culture.
Keywords: culture, culturology, informational-semiotic theory of culture, language of science, identity, typology of identity, operationality of identity, social information, subjectivity.
Tkhagapsoev Khazhismel Gisovich — a Doctor of Science (philosophy), professor of the Philosophy Department at Kabardino-Balkar State University. Tel.: +7 (866-2) 42-59-86. E-mail:
Citation: Tkhagapsoev Kh. G. Identichnost' v kognitivno-epistemicheskoi sisteme kul'turologii (okonchanie) // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2011. ¹ 3. S. 21–26.