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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 4

International Scientific Conference “Shakespeare Readings 2012” (9–13 July 2012, Institute of Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow University for the Humanities) (N. V. Zakharov)

The article was prepared within the framework of a project of Russian Foundation for the Humanities, “Information and Research Database Shakespeare’s Contemporaries: An Electronic Scientific Publication” (grant No. 11-04-12064â).

(Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract ◊ The article covers the work of the International scientific conference “Shakespeare Readings 2012” that was held on 9–13 July 2012 at the Institute of Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and Moscow University for the Humanities. The conference was dedicated to the general theme “Shakespeare in National Cultures”.

Keywords: Shakespeare, “Shakespeare Readings”, conference.

Zakharov Nikolay Vladimirovich, Ph.D., Candidate of Science (philology), the vice-director of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies at Moscow University for the Humanities, full member of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck), academic secretary of the Shakespeare Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-75-95. E-mail:


Citation: Zakharov N. V. Mezhdunarodnaia nauchnaia konferentsiia «Shekspirovskie chteniia 2012» (9–13 iiulia 2012 g., Gosudarstvennyi institut iskusstvoznaniia Ministerstva kul'tury RF, Moskovskii gumanitarnyi universitet)  // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. ¹ 4. S. 347–352.


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Moscow University for the Humanities

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
Journal "Knowledge.
Understanding. Skill"
 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
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