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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2013 / No. 1

Khairullina N. G., Koishe K. K. The Ethnic Identification of the Tatars of Tyumen Oblast: A Sociological Measurement

(Tyumen State Oil and Gas University),
(Tyumen Regional Duma)

Abstract ♦ The paper attempts to make a sociological analysis of the dynamics of ethnic identification by the example of the Tatars of Tyumen Oblast. The analysis showed that the Tatar population of the region was exhibiting the feeling of spiritual affinity with the native ethnic group.

Keywords: ethnic group, ethnicity, Tatars, traditions, customs, nationality.

Khairullina Nursafa Gafurovna, Doctor of Science (sociology), professor, the head of the Social Sciences Department at Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. Tel.: +7 (3452) 45-35-26. E-mail:

Koishe Kenesar Kuanyshevich, Candidate of Science (sociology), executive secretary of the Affairs Administration of Tyumen Regional Duma. Tel.: +7 (3452) 45-50-90. E-mail:


Citation: Khairullina, N. G. and Koishe, K. K. (2013) Etnicheskaia identifikatsiia tatar Tiumenskoi oblasti: sotsiologicheskoe izmerenie [The ethnic identification of the Tatars of Tyumen oblast: A sociological measurement]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 116–120. (In Russ.).



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Tatary Tiumenskoi oblasti: istoriia i sovremennost' (2011) : monografiia. Tiumen' : Vektor Buk.

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Moscow University for the Humanities

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
Journal "Knowledge.
Understanding. Skill"
 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
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