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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2010 / No. 2

Khvatov I. A. Empirical Research on the Problem of Phylogenetic Preconditions of Self-consciousness Formation

(Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract As a result of the theoretical and experimental research it is shown that dogs — as representatives of the lowest level of intellectual stage of mental evolution — are capable of mirror self-recognition and using this information for orientation in external space. However, such self-recognition occurs only under condition of presence of a necessity to use this information in the structure of activity with extraneous objects.

Keywords: mirror self-recognition, self-reflection, self-consciousness, self-concept, ontogenesis, phylogenesis, dogs.

Khvatov Ivan Aleksandrovich — a senior lecturer, postgraduate of the Developmental Psychology and Acmeology Department of Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: (495) 374-70-82. E-mail:


Citation: Khvatov I. A. Empirical Research on the Problem of Phylogenetic Preconditions of Self-consciousness Formation // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2010. № 2. S. 242–246.



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