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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2010 / No. 3

Sokolova E. E., Gurina R. V. On Correlation between Language and Scientific World Views

(Russian State Social University, Ulyanovsk State University)

Abstract ◊ The correlation between the notions “world view”, “scientific world view”, “language world view” is revealed in the article. Their general and specific features are singled out and their structures are defined.

Keywords: world view, scientific world view, language world view, world model.

Sokolova Elena Eugenievna — a Candidate of Science (philology), associate professor of the English Philology Department at Russian State Social University (Moscow City). Tel.: +7 (499) 187-60-25. E-mail:

Gurina Roza Viktorovna — a Doctor of Science (pedagogy), professor of the Department of Physical Methods in Applied Studies of the High Tech Engineering and Physics Faculty at Ulyanovsk State University. Tel.: +7 (422) 32-06-19. E-mail:


Citation: Sokolova E. E., Gurina R. V. On Correlation between Language and Scientific World Views // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2010. № 3. S. 83–88.



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 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
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