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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2011 / No 1

Sibagatov F. Sh. The Influence of Arab and Muslim Literary Traditions on the Bashkir Literature of the Beginning of the 20th Century

(Bashkir State University)

Abstract ◊ The author studies the development of Bashkir literature, which was born at the junction of Europe and Asia and was enriched by Western and Eastern influences, in particular, by such literary trend as Arab and Muslim literature. From the author’s point of view, the problem of the degree of Islam and Koran’s influence on the development of national literatures, including the Turk ones, is still not fully tackled.

Keywords: Bashkir literature, Arab and Muslim literature, Islam, plot, motif, Koran, Bible, archetype.

Sibagatov Fliur Sharifullinovich — a Candidate of Science (philology), associate professor at Bashkir State University. Tel.: +7 (347) 273-66-43. E-mail:


Citation: Sibagatov F. Sh. Vliianie arabo-musul'manskikh literaturnykh traditsii na bashkirskuiu literaturu nachala XX veka // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2011. ¹ 1. S. 153–159.



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