Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 2
Pavlukhina O. V. The Concepts of Death and Afterlife in Ph. Pullman’s Trilogy “His Dark Materials”
(Saint Petersburg State University)
Abstract ◊ In the article the conception of death and immortality in Ph. Pullman’s trilogy “His Dark Materials” is considered. The author analyzes the use of mythical motives and plots in the context of the contemporary work of fiction..
Keywords: the problems of life and death, immortality, initiation, hero’s deed, secular ethics, Ph. Pullman.
Pavlukhina Olga Vladimirovna, postgraduate of the Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies Department at St. Petersburg State University. Tel.: +7 (812) 328-94-21, ext. 1851. E-mail:
Citation: Pavlukhina O. V. Predstavleniia o smerti i zagrobnoi zhizni v trilogii F. Pulmana «Temnye nachala» // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. ¹ 2. S. 297–300.
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