Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 2
Poliakova O. L., Kazakova I. B. The Literary Myth of the Modern Age: the Experience of Structuring in J. W. Goethe’s and J. Keats’s Works
(The Volga Region State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Abstract ◊ The article analyzes the problem of the literary myth in the poetry of the Modern Age. The authors pay a special attention to the question of the methodology of the investigation of the myth by C. Lévi-Strauss and other thinkers of the 20th century.
Keywords: literary myth, structuralism, E. Cassirer, C. Lévi-Strauss, A. F. Losev, Goethe, Keats.
Poliakova Olga Leonidovna, Candidate of Science (history), associate professor of the History and Theory of World Culture Depart ment at the Volga Region State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Tel.: +7 (846) 332-39-50. E-mail:
Kazakova Irina Borisovna, Candidate of Science (philology), associate professor of the History and Theory of World Culture Department at the Volga Region State Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Tel.: +7 (846) 332-39-50. E-mail:
Citation: Poliakova O. L., Kazakova I. B. Literaturnyi mif Novogo vremeni: opyt strukturirovaniia u I. V. Gete i Dzh. Kitsa // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. ¹ 2. S. 185–190.
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