Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2013 / No. 1
Grebneva V. V. The Development and Testing of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Lecturers’ Contentment with the Educational Environment of a Tertiary Institution
(National Research University — Belgorod State University)
Abstract ◊ The article proposes to discuss the methods for the investigation of lecturers’ satisfaction with the educational environment of a higher education institution, as well as the results of their validation by the comparison with similar methods.
Keywords: educational environment, axiological characteristics, satisfaction with educational environment, satisfaction level, socio-psychological congruence, incongruence.
Grebneva Valentina Viktorovna, Candidate of Science (psychology), associate professor, the head of the Psychology Department at National Research University — Belgorod State University. Tel.: +7 (4722) 30-18-74. E-mail:

Citation: Grebneva V. V. Razrabotka i aprobatsiia metodiki otsenki udovletvorennosti prepodavatelei obrazovatel'noi sredoi vuza // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. ¹ 1. S. 196–200.
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