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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2013 / No. 1

Rushdie Ahmed Salman (S. P. Tolkachev)

(The A. M. Gorky Literary Institute)

Abstract ◊ This is an encyclopedic article on Ahmed Salman Rushdie.

Keywords: Ahmed Salman Rushdie.

Tolkachev Sergey Petrovich, Doctor of Science (philology), professor, professor of the Literary Craft Department at the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute. Tel.: +7 (495) 694-06-75. E-mail:


Citation: Tolkachev S. P. Rushdi Akhmed Salman // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. № 1. S. 292–293.


Oeuvre (transliteration): Grimus. L., 1975; Midnight’s Children. L., 1981; Shame. L., 1983, in Russian transl. — Styd. SPb., 2007; The Satanic Verses. N. Y., 1988; Haroun and the Sea of Stories. L. ; N. Y., 1990, in Russian transl. — Garun i more istorii. SPb., 2006; Imaginary Homelands. N. Y., 1992; East, West. L., 1994; The Moor's Last Sigh. L., 1995, in Russian transl. — Proshchal'nyi vzdokh mavra. SPb., 1999; The Ground Beneath Her Feet. L., 1999, in Russian transl. — Zemlia pod ee nogami. SPb., 2008; Fury. L., 2001, in Russian transl. — Iarost'. SPb., 2011; Shalimar the Clown. L., 2005, in Russian transl. — Kloun Shalimar. SPb., 2008; The Enchantress of Florence. L., 2008, in Russian transl. — Florentiiskaia charodeika. SPb., 2009; Luka and the Fire of Life. L., 2010; Joseph Anton: A Memoir. L., 2012, in Russian transl. — Dzhozef Anton. SPb., 2012.

Bibliography (transliteration): Tolkachev S. P. Mul'tikul'turnyi kontekst sovremennogo angliiskogo romana. M., 2003; Brennan T. Salman Rushdie and the Third World: Myths of the Nation. N. Y., 1989; The Novels of Salman Rushdie / Ed. by G. R. Taneja, R. K. Dhawan. New Delhi, 1992; Reading Rushdie: Perspectives on the Fiction of Salman Rushdie / ed. by M. D. Fletcher. Amsterdam ; Atlanta, 1994; Cundy C. Salman Rushdie. Manchester, 1996; Critical Essays on Salman Rushdie / ed. by M. K. Booker. N. Y., 1999; Hennard M. Origin and Originality in Rushdie's Fiction. Bern, 1999.

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"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
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 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
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