Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2013 / No. 4
Andreeva Ju. V. Optimism in Existential Philosophy and Pedagogy: The Paradoxes and Methodological Foundations
(Eastern Economic and Legal Academy for the Humanities, Ufa City)
Abstract ◊ The article considers the methodological foundations of optimism as a functional human ability to overcome despair having taken responsibility for his/her life on his/her own.
Keywords: optimism, existential philosophy, positive existentialism.
Andreeva Julia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Science (pedagogy), associate professor, associate professor of the Pedagogy Department at Eastern Economic and Legal Academy for the Humanities (Ufa City). Tel.: +7 (347) 234-08-68. E-mail:

Citation: Andreeva Iu. V. Optimizm v ekzistentsial'noi filosofii i pedagogike: paradoksy i metodologicheskie osnovaniia [Optimism in Existential Philosophy and Pedagogy: The Paradoxes and Methodological Foundations]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. No. 4. S. 235–239.
Submission date: 1.03.2013.
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