Abstract ◊ The article raises the problem of investigation into person’s subjectivity and shows the disconnection in the approaches to its analysis. It also indicates the necessity to clarify the peculiarities of the subjectivity structure for various types of temper. A corresponding programme for the study is presented.
Keywords: the character, the character structure, character’s feature, subjectivity, the structure of subjectivity.
Berdnikova Alla Aleksandrovna, postgraduate of the General Psychology and History of Psychology Department at Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-67-20. E-mail: alla-berdnikova@mail.ru. Research adviser — Doctor of Science (psychology), associate professor Yu. N. Oleinik.
Citation: Berdnikova A. A. Issledovanie sub"ektnosti u liudei s raznym tipom kharaktera [A Research on the Subjectivity of People with Different Types of Character]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. No. 4. S. 299–303.
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