Gaydin B. N. The Image of Hamlet on the Russian Screen of the Second Half of the 20th — the Beginning of the 21st Centuries
The article was prepared with support from the Russian Foundation for the Humanities within the framework of project "The Image of Hamlet as a Constant of Russian Culture" (No. 11-34-00221a1).
Abstract ◊ The article presents some examples of the reception of the eternal image of Hamlet in Russian films, series, TV programmes and other media products that appeared after the classic Soviet film “Hamlet” directed by G. M. Kozintsev (1964). The author analyzes a specific role of the Shakespearean character in mass Soviet and post-Soviet culture.
Keywords: Hamlet, Shakespeare in Russian culture, eternal images, iconic characters, Hamletization, Hamlet on Soviet screen, Hamlet on Russian screen, Shakespeare on TV, K. S. Serebrennikov, Yu. V. Kara.
Gaydin Boris Nikolaevich, Candidate of Philosophy, Deputy director, Center for the Theory and History of Culture, Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-59-30. E-mail:
Citation: Gaydin B. N. (2013) Obraz Gamleta na otechestvennom ekrane vtoroi poloviny XX — nachala XXI veka [The Image of Hamlet on the Russian Screen of the Second Half of the 20th — the Beginning of the 21st Centuries]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 170–182.(In Russ.).
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