Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2013 / No. 4
Pervushina E. A. “…Do Not Bewilder Your Reader with Quaintness”: Alexander V. Druzhinin’s Translation of Shakespeare’s “King Lear”
(Far Eastern Federal University)
Abstract ◊ Analyzing the translation of Shakespeare's „King Lear‟ by Alexander V. Druzhinin, the author refines and complements the understanding of this work’s influential significance in the history of Russian translations of the tragedy.
Keywords: W. Shakespeare, „King Lear‟, translations of Shakespeare, Alexander V. Druzhinin.
Pervushina Elena Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Professor, School of Regional and International Studies, Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok City. Tel.: +7 (423) 243-78-26. E-mail:

Citation: Pervushina, E. A. (2013) «…Ne ozadachivat' chitatelia prichudlivost'iu»: «Korol' Lir» Shekspira v perevode A. V. Druzhinina [“…Do Not Bewilder Your Reader with Quaintness”: Alexander V. Druzhinin’s Translation of Shakespeare’s “King Lear”]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 166–170. (In Russ.).
Submission date: 15.08.2013.
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