Sidorova S. Yu. The Issues of a Productive Organization of Region’s Sociocultural Resources (As Exemplified by the Activity of Tobolsk Museum Reserve)
(Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve,
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University )
Abstract ◊ The article considers the most typical museum and reserved resources and the examples of their productive organization. The study was conducted on the case of Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve.
Keywords: resources, historical and cultural environment, socio-cultural resources, the area, museum activity, museum reserve.
Sidorova Svetlana Yurievna, the director of Tobolsk Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve, Tobolsk City; applicant of the Marketing and Municipal Administration Department at Tyumen State Oil and Gas University. Tel.: +7 (3456) 22-37-13. E-mail: Research advisor — Doctor of Science (sociology), professor A. N. Silin.
Citation: Sidorova S. Iu. Voprosy produktivnoi organizatsii sotsiokul'turnykh resursov regiona (na primere deiatel'nosti Tobol'skogo muzeia-zapovednika) [The Issues of a Productive Organization of Region’s Sociocultural Resources (As Exemplified by the Activity of Tobolsk Museum Reserve)]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. No. 4. S. 99–102.
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