Lukov Val. A., Lukov Vl. A. The Shakespearean Sphere and Cultural Constants
The article was written within the framework of the project “Virtual Shakespearean Sphere: Transformations of Shakespearean Myth in Modern Culture” supported with a grant from Russian Foundation for the Humanities (No. 14-03-00552à).
Abstract ♦ The Shakespearean sphere (or Shakesphere) is a field of the phenomena of world culture, national cultures and subcultures that have a relation to the personality and oeuvre of William Shakespeare, including both his cult and its negation (the so-called “Shakespeare authorship question”, etc.). A significant number of cultural constants are concentrated within the Shakespearean sphere. These constants are orienting points in the dialogue of cultures on all levels of sociocultural reality — from daily life (mundanity) to “high culture”. Therefore, there are a huge number of the components of the Shakespearean sphere in the world views of the representatives of various cultural areas and, consequently, in the varied forms of artistic and scholarly endeavor, the Shakespeare industry, tertiary activity (educational, tourist, information, entertaining, etc.).
Keywords: W. Shakespeare, world culture, dialogue of cultures, cultural constants, Shakespearean sphere.
Lukov Valery Andreevich, Doctor of Science (philosophy), professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, the pro-rector for scientific and publishing work — director of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities, vice president of the Russian Division of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck, Austria). Postal address: B. 6, 5 Yunosti St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 111395. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-70-20.E-mail:
Lukov Vladimir Andreevich(1948–2014), Doctor of Science (philology), professor, the director of the Theory and History of Culture Center of the Institute of Fundamental and Applied Studies, Moscow University for the Humanities, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, full member of the International Academy of Science (Innsbruck) and the International Teacher’s Training Academy of Science, member of the Shakespeare Committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Bunin Prize laureate.
Citation: Lukov, V. A. and Lukov, Vl. A. (2014) Shekspirosfera i kul'turnye konstanty [The Shakespearean sphere and cultural constants]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 2, pp. 200–208. (In Russ.).
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