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Poluekhtova I. À. Kovaleva Antonina Ivanovna

 (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Abstract ♦ This is a biographical article on the Russian sociologist Antonina Ivanovna Kovaleva, with a selected bibliography of her works.  

Keywords: A.I. Kovaleva, sociology, sociology of youth, socialization, social identification, socialization norm, socialization trajectories 

Poluekhtova Irina Anatolievna, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Department of Theory and Economics of Mass Media, School of Journalism, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; Head of Sociological Research Department, Vi Analytical Center. Postal address: 9 Mokhovaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 119019. Òåë.: +7 (495) 629-44-40. E-mail:


Citation: Poluekhtova I. À. (2015)  Kovaleva Antonina Ivanovna [ ]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 395-401. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.17805/zpu.2015.1.39

Submission date: 12.01.2015.



Żółkowska, T., Kovaleva, A. I. and Lukov, Val. A. (2003) «Nenormal'nye» v obshchestve: Sotsializatsiia liudei s ogranichennymi intellektual'nymi vozmozhnostiami [The “abnormal” in society: Socialization of people with intellectual disabilities]. Moscow ; Szczecin, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 432 p. (In Russ.).

Ilinskiy, I. M. (2009) Besedy ob istorii Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta [Talks about the history of Moscow University for the Humanities]. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 328 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1990) Uchashchaiasia molodezh' i komsomol v usloviiakh perestroiki [Student youth and the Komsomol under perestroika]. Moscow. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1994) Rossiiskaia modernizatsiia i prinuditel'naia sotsializatsiia molodezhi [Modernization in Russia and forced socialization of youth]. In: Tsennostnyi mir sovremennoi molodezhi: na puti k mirovoi integratsii [The value world of modern youth: On the way to global integration]. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. 172 p. Pp. 71–77. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1995) Shkola kak institut sotsializatsii uchashcheisia molodezhi [School as an institute of socialization of student youth]. In: Molodezh' v sovremennom rossiiskom obshchestve [Youth in contemporary Russian society] : a research session at the Institute of Youth: February 22–23, 1995]. Moscow. 120 p. Pp. 57–61. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1996a) Sotsializatsiia i sotsial'naia identichnost' rossiiskoi molodezhi [Socialization and social identity of the youth in Russia]. In: Molodezh' Rossii: vospitanie zhiznesposobnykh pokolenii [Russia’s youth: educating a viable generation] : a research session at the Institute of Youth, February 28, 1996]. Moscow. 212 p. Pp. 60–68. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1996b) Sotsializatsiia lichnosti: norma i otklonenie [Socialization of the person: The norm and deviation] / The Institute of Youth. Moscow. 224 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1997) Sotsializatsionnaia norma v sovremennom rossiiskom obshchestve [Socialization norm in contemporary Russian society] : abstract of the diss. ... Doctor of Social Science. Moscow. 32 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (1998) Teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovy issledovaniia sotsializatsii lichnosti [Theoretical and methodological foundations of investigation into the socialization of the person]. Sotsiologicheskii sbornik, vol. 4. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. 159 p. Pp. 3–8. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2003) Kontseptsiia sotsializatsii molodezhi: normy, otkloneniia, sotsializatsionnaia traektoriia [The concept of socialization of youth: norms, deviations, socialization trajectory]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia, no. 1, pp. 109–115. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2004) Sotsializatsiia [Socialization]. In: Sotsiologicheskaia entsiklopediia [An encyclopedia of sociology] : in 2 vols. Moscow, Mysl' Publ. Vol. 2. 863 p. P. 446. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2008a) Norma sotsializatsionnaia [Socialization norm]. In: Sotsiologiia molodezhi [Socialization of youth] : An encyclopedic dictionary / ed. by Yu. A. Zubok and V. I. Chuprov. Moscow, Academia Publ. 608 p. Pp. 302–304. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2008b) Sotsializatsiia [Socialization]. In: Sotsiologiia molodezhi [Socialization of youth] : An encyclopedic dictionary / ed. by Yu. A. Zubok and V. I. Chuprov. Moscow, Academia Publ. 608 p. Pp. 442–446. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2008c) Sotsializatsionnaia traektoriia [Socialization trajectory]. In: Sotsiologiia molodezhi [Socialization of youth] : An encyclopedic dictionary / ed. by Yu. A. Zubok and V. I. Chuprov. Moscow, Academia Publ. 608 p. Pp. 441–442. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2011) Obshchestvo i lichnost': Lektsii po sotsiologii [Society and person: Lectures on sociology] : A study guide. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 204 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2012a) Metodologicheskie problemy issledovaniia sotsializatsii [The methodological problems of the research of socialization]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 2, pp. 19–24. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2012b) Professional'naia mobil'nost' [Professional mobility]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 298–300. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. (2013) Professional'naia kul'tura universiteta kak uslovie povysheniia kachestva obrazovaniia [The professional culture of university as a condition for education quality improvement]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 1, pp. 225–234. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Bogdanova, V. V. (2012) Traektoriia sotsializatsii [The trajectory of socialization] : monograph. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 184 p.

Kovaleva, A. I. and Kolmykova, M. K. (2011) Organizatsionnaia kul'tura proizvodstvennykh predpriiatii [Organizational culture at manufacturing enterprises]. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities Publ. 137 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Levicheva, V. F. (2012/2013) O teoriiakh molodezhi i putiakh ikh razvitiia [On the theories of youth and ways of their development]. West-Ost-Report: International Forum for Science and Research, no. 3/4, pp. 97–101. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Levicheva, V. F. (2014) [Rets. na kn.:] Lukov Val. A. Teorii molodezhi: mezhdistsiplinarnyi analiz. M. : Kanon+, 2012 [Review of: Lukov Val. A. Theories of the youth: An interdisciplinary analysis. Moscow, Kanon+ Publ., 2012]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia, no. 4 (360), pp. 153–155. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Lukov, Val. A. (1999) Sotsiologiia molodezhi: Teoreticheskie voprosy [Sociology of the youth: Theoretical issues]. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. 351 p. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Lukov, Val. A. (2012) Sotsializatsiia: sotsial'no-filosofskii, sotsiologicheskii i sotsial'no-psikhologicheskii aspekty ponimaniia [Socialization: The socio-philosophical, sociological and socio-psychological aspects of understanding]. Filosofiia i kul'tura, no. 3, pp. 27–35. (In Russ.).

Kovaleva, A. I. and Reut, M. N. (2001) Sotsializatsiia neslyshashchei molodezhi [Socialization of deaf youth]. Moscow, Sotsium Publ. 222 p. (In Russ.).

Lukov, Val. A. (2013) Il'inskii Igor' Mikhailovich o problemakh molodezhi i molodezhnoi politiki [I. M. Ilinskiy on the issues of youth and youth policy]. Youth World Politic, no. 2, pp. 107–111. (In Russ.).

Lukov, Val. A. (2014) Nauchnaia shkola Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta po sotsiologicheskim naukam: kontseptsii i issledovaniia molodezhi [The school of thought in sociological sciences at Moscow University for the Humanities: Conceptions and studies of youth]. Nauchnye trudy Moskovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta, no. 10, pp. 5–22. (In Russ.).

Lukov, Vl. A. and Żółkowska T. (2013) Kovaleva Antonina Ivanovna o sotsializatsii molodezhi [A. I. Kovaleva on socialization of the youth]. Youth World Politic, no. 2, pp. 118–122. (In Russ.).

Kowalowa, A. (2001) Wybrane problemy socjologii ogólnej [Issues of general sociology] / Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczna TWP. Szczecin. 88 p. (In Polish).

Kowalowa, A. (2002) Problemy eferktywności socjalizacji ednostki [Socialization of a person: efficiency issues]. In: Współczesne obszary i tendencje w edukacji humanistycznej [Contemporary trends in education in the humanities] / ed. by T. Strawy. Szczecin, WSH. Pp. 131–134. (In Polish).

Kowalowa, A. and Łukow, W. (2003) Socjologia młodzieży [Sociology of youth]. Szczecin, WSH TWP. 368 p. (In Polish).

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"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
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