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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2010 / No. 2

Petruneva R. M., Vasilieva V. D. On Methodology of Complex Social and Humanitarian Expert Examination of Engineering and Designing Decisions

(Volgograd State Technical University)

Abstract The authors envisage elements of methodology of complex social and humanitarian expert examination of engineering and designing decisions that is conducted for the purpose of anticipatory reaction to possible negative consequences of their implementation.

Keywords: engineering and designing decision, complex social and humanitarian expert examination.

Petruneva Raisa Maratovna — a Doctor of Science (pedagogy), Candidate of Science (chemistry), associate professor, educational work pro-rector of Volgograd State Technical University. Tel.: (8442) 24-09-25. E-mail:

Vasilieva Valentina Dmitrievna — a Candidate of Science (engineering), associate professor of the Technology of High-molecular and Fibrous Materials Department of Volgograd State Technical University. Тел.: (8442) 24-84-35. E-mail:


Citation: Petruneva R. M., Vasilieva V. D. On Methodology of Complex Social and Humanitarian Expert Examination of Engineering and Designing Decisions // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2010. № 2. S. 65–70.



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