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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 1

Romanova O. V. The Axiological and Semantic Characteristics of the Informational Approach to Education

(Southern Federal University)

Abstract ◊ This paper analyzes the problem of the information axiological and semantic foundation of the educative process on the basis of the obtained results of some surveys of the students of the Pedagogical Institute at Southern Federal University.

Keywords: information, scientific information, knowledge, value orientations, the value of information.

Romanova Olga Viktorovna, Candidate of Science (pedagogy), associate professor of the Teaching Methods in Biology, Chemistry and Natural Science Department of the Pedagogical Institute at Southern Federal University. Tel.: +7 (863) 250-75-40. E-mail:


Citation: Romanova O. V. Tsennostno-smyslovye kharakteristiki informatsionnogo podkhoda k obucheniiu // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. № 1. S. 238–243.



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Moscow University for the Humanities

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
Journal "Knowledge.
Understanding. Skill"
 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
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