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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2012 / No. 2

Morozova I. S. The Interrelation of Freedom and Knowledge with Social Conflicts

(The International Law Institute, Moscow city,
Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract ◊ The author considers the reasons of social conflicts in contemporary society and shows the relationship between the existing interpretations of the concepts “knowledge” and “freedom” and social conflicts..

Keywords: social conflicts, inclusive consciousness, synergy, profit maximization, competition, freedom.

Morozova Irina Sergeevna, the head of Management Department at the International Law Institute, Moscow City; the vice-dean of the Regional Law Faculty, postgraduate of the Philosophy, Culturology and Politology Department at Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (495) 610-20-00. E-mail: Research adviser — Doctor of Science (philosophy and culturology), professor A. V. Kostina.


Citation: Morozova I. S. Vzaimosviaz' svobody i znanii s sotsial'nymi konfliktami // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. ¹ 2. S. 281–286.



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Moscow University for the Humanities

"Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" No. 4 2021
 The No. 4 2021 of the
Journal "Knowledge.
Understanding. Skill"
 is issued

What kind of higher education will be at the end of the XXI century?
 global and unified for the whole world
 local with the revival of traditions of national educational models
 something else
 there will be no necessity for it in general
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