Khlyzova I. V. The Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Future Managers’ Commitment to Personnel Cohesion in the Course of University Training
Abstract ◊ The author considers the pedagogical conditions for the development of future managers’ commitment to staff cohesion in the process of professional training in a tertiary institution. The following approaches are applied to the analysis of the subject: the humane-oriented, synergetic, activity and reflexive ones.
Keywords: pedagogical condition, humane-oriented education, interactive forms of education, personnel cohesion, reflexive and evaluative activity.
Khlyzova Irina Valerievna, postgraduate of the Pedagogy and Psychology of the Higher School Department at Moscow University for the Humanities. Tel.: +7 (495) 374-74-59. E-mail: Research adviser — Doctor of Science (pedagogy), professor V. A. Sitarov.
Citation: Khlyzova I. V. Pedagogicheskie usloviia formirovaniia gotovnosti budushchikh menedzherov k splocheniiu personala v protsesse professional'noi podgotovki v vuze [The Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Future Managers’ Commitment to Personnel Cohesion in the Course of University Training]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. ¹ 4. S. 263–265.
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