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Main page / "Knowledge. Understanding. Skill" Journal / Contents / 2014 / No. 4

Poznyakov V. P., Nikulo E. A. The Correlation between Value Orientations and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs’ Responsible Attitude to Other Participants of the Business Interaction

(The Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Moscow University for the Humanities)

Abstract ♦ The article presents the outcomes of studying the relations between entrepreneurs’ value orientations and their responsible attitude to other participants of business interaction.

The research has primarily focused on the issues of responsibility as a psychological attitude towards others in business interaction. We define this attitude as a set of emotional views and assessments given with varying degrees of preparedness and expressing a personal standpoint on the need to answer for qualitative characteristics of relationships within the business interaction. Responsibility taken can be measured by the degree of commitment to cooperation, to understanding the other party, by the tolerant attitude and curbing dominance in business interaction.

Between 2009 and 2012, we conducted a study of the entrepreneurs’ responsible attitude to parties in business interaction. The survey covered 203 entrepreneurs. Analysis of its data allowed us to conclude that values act as a criterion for determining the individual's attitudes to other parties of the business interaction. Responsible attitude towards partners is largely determined by the high significance of the values associated with happy interpersonal relationships and the entrepreneur’s personal development. Value orientations which are negatively associated with the responsible attitude (well-off lifestyle, health, active life) are largely linked to a pragmatic approach which implies that business relations must focus on economic benefits.

Keywords: social psychology, value orientation, psychological relations, business communication, psychology, entrepreneurship, responsibility, responsible attitude.

Poznyakov Vladimir Petrovich, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Department of Social and Ethnic Psychology, Moscow University for the Humanities; Chief research fellow, Laboratory for Social and Economic Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Postal address: 13 Yaroslavskaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 190003. Tel.: +7 (499) 374-56-11. E-mail:

Nikulo Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Researcher, Laboratory for Social and Economic Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Senior Lecturer, Department of Social and Ethnic Psychology, Moscow University for the Humanities; Consulting Psychologist, Center for Emotional and Image Therapy LLC, Moscow. Postal address: 51 Marshal Tukhachevsky St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 123103. Tel.: +7 (499) 755-76-71. E-mail:


Citation: Poznyakov, V. P. and Nikulo, E. A. (2014) Vzaimosviaz' tsennostnykh orientatsii i kharakteristik otvetstvennogo otnosheniia predprinimatelei k drugim uchastnikam delovogo vzaimodeistviia [The Correlation between Value Orientations and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs’ Responsible Attitude to Other Participants of the Business Interaction]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 4, pp. 200–212. (In Russ.).

Submission date: 30.08.2014.



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Poznyakov, V. P. and Vavakina, T. S. (2014a) Delovoe partnerstvo kak vid sotsial'nogo vzaimodeistviia: resursno-tsennostnyi podkhod [Business Partnership as a Type of Social Interaction: A Resource Value Approach]. Chelovecheskii faktor problemy psikhologii i ergonomiki [The Human Factor: Issues of Psychology and Ergonomics], no. 2 (69), pp. 3–11. (In Russ.).

Poznyakov, V. P. and Vavakina, T. S. (2014b) Resursno-tsennostnyi podkhod k analizu sotsial'nogo vzaimodeistviia sub"ektov sovmestnoi zhiznedeiatel’nosti [The Analysis of Social Interaction between Subjects of Joint Activity: A Resource-value Approach]. Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie, no. 3, pp. 257–268. (In Russ.).

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Poznyakov, V. P. and Titova, O. I. (2014) Osobennosti otnoshenii predprinimatelei muzhchin i zhenshchin k konkurentsii i partnerstvu v delovom vzaimodeistvii [Specific Features of Male and Female Entrepreneurs’ Attitudes to Competition and Partnership in Business Interaction]. Psikhologicheskii zhurnal, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 5–17. (In Russ.)

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Sub"ektnyi podkhod v psikhologii [Subject approach in psychology] (2009) / åd. by A. L. Zhuravleva, V. V. Znakova, Z. I. Riabikinoi and E. A. Sergienko. Moscow, Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the RAS. 619 p. (In Russ.).

Teoriia i metodologiia psikhologii: Postneklassicheskaia perspektiva [Theory and Methodology in Psychology: Postnonclassic Perspective] (2007) / åd. by A. L. Zhuravlev and A. V. Yurevich. Moscow, Publishing House of the Institute of Psychology of the RAS. 528 p. (In Russ.).

Titova, O. I. (2007) Gendernye razlichiia otnoshenii rossiiskikh predprinimatelei k konkurentsii i partnerstvu [Gender Differences in Russian Entrepreneurs’ Attitude to Competition and Partnership] : Diss. … Candidate of Psychology. Moscow. 167 p.

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